Saturday, September 08, 2007

Why We Do It

I saw this first at The Paper Chase. It really resonates for me right now because amidst my endless uncertainty and negativity about the ivory tower, I am currently in a pro-academia mode. This is a great post--check out the rest at Professor Zero's blog.

On Becoming a Professor

At school we make observations, develop theories, draw pictures of these, and finally write them down. We do this no matter what anyone else has to say about the evils of “overachievement.” Because we are not “overachieving,” we are living, and doing creative work. We do this in memory of Paulo Freire, and for the sake of the collectivity - and to entertain the spirits. And everyone has a right to be a subject in their own life, to stand at the head of their own acts, and to speak.


 blog it



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me - I have had a tough week and am currently down on things - you are helping me Buck Up!

2:49 PM  

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