Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Life of Research

Today I have been working on revisions to a manuscript and it's been like pulling my own teeth out. I have suffered though whole blocks of time in which I have felt utterly despondent and hopeless about the entire enterprise. During these times, I occasionally find myself drifting away into fantasy, surfing the interwebs. I will look for a simple job in the non profit sector, an opportunity to meditate in an Indian ashram, or ponder accepting an offer from a total stranger to accompany him in a wild roadtrip to Alaska in 5 days or less. But these moments of despondency/fantasy alternate with moments of elation, excitement, and a passion for la recherche scientifique.

How is it that I can simultaneously both love and abhor my job so much? What can I do to lessen the despondency and increase the excitement and fun?

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Blogger Patrick Flanagan said...

What can I do to lessen the despondency and increase the excitement and fun?

Sex, drugs, Rock, and/or Roll.

8:12 PM  
Blogger Julep said...

All my favorites! But mostly not appropriate for the workplace.

1:56 PM  
Blogger Quiche said...

Well said...the life of a grad student no doubt. I have had all of the above fantasies but my trip isn't through Costa Rica or Paris, not Alaska... Though now that you mention it, maybe I'll start day dreaming about that one too.

1:46 AM  

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