Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Where I've Been and Also A Gender Thing

Well, I've been gone on vacation for a few weeks now. A "vacation" involving 3,950ish miles of driving with hubby. Yes, driving. What was I thinking?! Why didn't we just go sit on a beach somewhere for 2 weeks? Anyway, improbably, we had a lot of fun, saved some money and gained some smug by driving a borrowed one of these, (I want one! I want one!) and saw a lot of friends and family. We also got to scope out our future city and managed to eke out some some beach time on
Orcacoke Island.

Other than that, I am gearing up for my state's democratic convention. I don't plan on wearing a bullet-proof vest, but that is only because I do not own one.

In that regard, it's good to be back in the blogosphere for the conclusion(?) of the democratic nomination process. I'm glad I didn't miss Wicked Anomie's very smart and accessible summary of the role of McCain and Obama's masculinities in this campaign. Although as a caveat on this one, I'm not totally comfortable analyzing these anonymous allegations re: comments by McCain.

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